Mind/Body Classes

Uncover the transformative power of a quiet mind and ensure renewal of a healthier you through a combination of movement, breath and meditation. 

Extended stretches and breathing exercises benefit health and well-being 

Who likes Yin Yoga classes? 

Yin yoga is a mind-body exercise class that is appropriate for all men and women who seek greater flexibility, strength and balance for their body through a guided practice that also helps relieve tension and feelings of stress. It’s a physical way to help you slow down and relax.  

What is a Yin Yoga class? 

Yin yoga is a slow paced class in which yoga poses, or asanas, are held for longer periods of time to enable a deeper stretch for all participants. Yoga itself is an ancient practice rooted in Indian philosophy that is adapted for worldwide practice today. In the United States, the practice is growing due to its ability to promote both physical and mental well-being. Yoga brings together the mind and body through a combination of certain poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas) and meditations (dyanas).  

Asanas focus on an individual’s strength, flexibility and balance. Yin yoga instructors lead asanas in different positions: seated, prone (lying flat face down), supine (standing upright), or tabletop (on hands and knees). As you work through yin yoga, the instructor leads you to hold asanas for a longer, more extended period of time than in traditional yoga. Gravity does the work and allows for a deeper stretch. 

Yin yoga asanas are extended stretches that allow body parts and muscles to feel more freedom as they open up from a compressed state. Body parts that receive focus alternate from the legs, chest, shoulders, neck and spine to your core muscles.  

A neck stretch is where you sit with your legs crossed and the block out to one side as far as you can reach it. When you reach the block with your right fingertips, make your left hand reach over your head to your right ear and pull your head to the left. With each exhale, try to sink lower into the stretch. Deepen the stretch to the edge of your comfort zone without feeling any pain. “Enjoy the burn, but don’t hurt,” says the instructor. 

The chest opener is called the “fish pose,” where you use a yoga block between your shoulder blades when lying on your back. Recline completely so your head, shoulders and arms hang over the block to open up your chest. If you notice any pain, try a modification with a second block stacked for your head to rest on while your shoulders and arms hang over the blocks.  

Moving down to your legs, the wide legged forward fold requires you to hold the fold at your waist. The stretch inevitably gets deeper as you let gravity do the work. Other asanas you’ll do in this class are chest and shoulder openers and hip openers. Different stretches are available for every part of the body, and the stretches you’ll do differ from class to class. Members say each combination of deep stretches helps your body release stress, as well as helps with digestion and sleep. 

Pranayamas, or breathing techniques, require you to focus on each inhale and exhale through the nose. Your stomach should expand with each deep inhale, rather than taking shallow breaths in the top of your chest. Expel all of the air during each exhale as your stomach contracts. With each exhale, mindfully drop lower and allow yourself to go deeper for a greater stretch. Make each exhale longer than the inhale before you transition into the next asana. Learn how to do an ocean breath, where your inhale and exhale through the nose (not the mouth) makes a raspy sound that you can hear to help you focus on your breath. 

Dyanas, or meditation practices in yin yoga, train you to pivot your thoughts from unnecessary things to the present moment. Concentration on the here and now – your current surroundings, position of your body and the people around you – helps improve your stress response and relieve negative feelings of stress.  

The equipment used in the practice of yin yoga includes a personal yoga mat, a yoga block, a tension strap, gliders and ankle weights. For sanitary purposes, we encourage you to bring your own personal yoga mat. All other equipment is provided by WK Fitness & Wellness Centers.  

When and where does the Yin Yoga class meet?  

Yin yoga meets for 50 minutes once a week on Tuesdays at WK South Wellness Center. 

Why do Yin Yoga? 

Each asana performed in yin yoga is designed to help you increase your flexibility and relaxation, while improving your stress response so you experience less negative stress, or distress. A focus on deep breathing throughout each class has a positive effect. Members have the benefit of being part of a dedicated community. Yin yoga is a process, not a competitive sport. The goal is always to go further for yourself, as far as you can to increase your own flexibility.  


Additional Information

For sanitary purposes, we encourage you to bring your own personal yoga mat.

Class Schedule



