Group Fitness Classes

Our group fitness classes offer a friendly atmosphere with a personalized approach to exercise. Classes are taught by nationally certified instructors who excel in motivating and educating. We offer many multi-level classes that will challenge the “fit” member and encourage the “novice” exerciser.

If you have any orthopedic or medical problems, our instructors can offer modifications of specific exercises to meet your needs.

Dance Exercise with Line Dancing Songs 

Who likes Line Dancing classes? 

Line Dancing is a class for men and women ages 18 and older who enjoy dance and are looking for a fun new way to exercise with friends. This class is perfect if you want a dance class that is lower impact than something like Zumba, yet still activates your leg muscles and provides some benefit for your heart health.  

What is a Line Dancing class? 

Line Dancing is an exercise class that is considered mid-intensity and is geared for people who want to dance in a style that has less impact on their joints than Zumba. Participants enjoy the music that sets the stage for pre-choreographed dance moves to the beat of line dancing songs.  

The instructor usually starts out with a warmup routine that could be one to three line dancing songs. The warmup consists of very basic movements that build on intensity to prepare the body to move to more challenging choreography at a faster pace. Instructors do a quick demonstration when a dance is new. They do basic steps on count, typically an eight count and sometimes a four count. Basic steps are like four walls where participants take steps that face the front, one side, the back, the other side, then back to the original front-facing position. After a warmup with the basic steps, you move on to more advanced movements. The instructor might lead you to add a twirl, dip, heel-toe, more advanced footwork, hand movements, weight shift to roll back and forth, and hip movements. All movements require balance as various movements engage your core. Toward the end of the class, you'll do one or two cooldown routines so your body can relax. 

The structured moves that are easily learned help increase participants’ physical coordination and mobility. You’ll engage your legs and all lower body muscles, hips, hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, abductors, adductors and calves. You’ll even engage your arms a little bit to help with balance. If and when you are able to raise your arms, you’ll engage your shoulder muscles.  

It’s even good for your brain to memorize dance steps, recall lyrics and recite those in your head while you perform dance moves. Your brain does a lot of work to coordinate all of your steps and any fun arm movements, especially if there is a crossbody movement. This is where you tap your left knee with your right hand, or your right elbow to your left knee. Working both sides of your body engages both brain hemispheres as they work together in sync. Another crossbody move is a right fist punch and a left foot kick out at the same time, and vice versa. Join the instructor to clap when you kick, or smile when you just clap on a count.  

Your instructor is like a friend who keeps the environment fun and cheers on participants with encouraging and motivational words. Class participants engage in a little healthy competition and encourage one another to keep up with each step-count to the beat of line dancing songs.  

This class does not use any exercise equipment. All you need is a dance floor and your own body. Pick shoes that are comfortable and allow you to pivot easily. No boots allowed. Some type of rubber or flat shoe is recommended to help align your body and prevent injury.  

When and where does the Line Dancing class meet? 

Line dancing is offered in the aerobics studio at some WK Fitness & Wellness Centers and at The Oaks. Classes meet for 50 minutes every week. 

Why do Line Dancing? 

The goals of this class are for participants to achieve both physical and mental health benefits. Line Dancing provides a fun way for people to improve their heart health, coordination and balance. Increasing one’s heart rate helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The physical fun and challenge cause the body to release endorphins, or happy hormones, that relax the body and lift the mood of participants. 


Class Schedule



