Tips to Jump Start Your Exercise Routine

Posted Jun 21, 2024

Despite knowing all the wonderful benefits of physical activity, do you sometimes feel like your exercise routine needs a jumpstart? Some days just getting started is the hardest part. Check out these easy tips to help you get over that hump on days when you’re feeling a little less motivated. 

  • Think about your “Why?” Write down and reflect on why you want to exercise in the first place.  Your “why” could be as simple as knowing exercise promotes better health. Taking it to the next level, maybe you want to control what you can because your family has a medical history you want to avoid. You want to enjoy life with your kids and grandkids – see them grow up, graduate and get married! 
  • Pack your workout bag the night before so you’ll be ready to walk out the door the next morning without forgetting something like your tennis shoes or your water bottle. You’ll be ready to stop by the fitness center after work or whenever it’s convenient for you.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself and do what you can. You’re more likely to stick with your exercise routine if you enjoy it and see progress.   
  • Replace the word “should” with the word “want.” Instead of saying, “I should walk a mile on the treadmill,” say to yourself, “I want to walk on the treadmill because I know it's good for my heart and I know I’ll feel better when I finish!”
  • Try a new exercise or take a group fitness or water aerobics class every now and then. Your exercise routine will be more enjoyable and not so “routine.”   
  • Find a friend to work out with. Put it on your calendar to meet your friend one, two or three times a week at the fitness center. You’ll have more fun working out together. 
  • Don’t let holidays interfere with your workout schedule. If you have out-of-town family visiting during the holidays, bring them with you to exercise.   

With a little planning and thinking, you’ll be able to stick with your exercise schedule and enjoy it more. Each day you exercise, you’ll feel better and be that much closer to reaching your goals. Enjoy knowing you're helping yourself to a healthier life!