Get to Stepping!

Posted Jan 23, 2024

Have you noticed more people at the fitness center or even just out in public who are wearing fitness trackers? Keeping track of fitness activity and wellness has never been easier. These electronic wearable devices can help you achieve your fitness goals by monitoring health related metrics like heart rate, calorie consumption and steps. When you wear a fitness tracker, you get a fairly accurate picture of the number of steps you take each day and can set movement goals to increase your total physical activity.

The American College of Sports Medicine uses the information below to classify your activity. How many steps are you taking each day?

  • Sedentary: 0 - 4,999 steps
  • Low Active: 5,000 - 7,499 steps
  • Somewhat Active: 7,500 – 9,999 steps
  • Active: 10,000 – 12,500 steps
  • Highly Active: more than 12,500 steps

Even if the recommended daily steps sound high to you, you can easily add more steps into your day. Park a little farther away from the store when you run errands. Don’t check the mailbox from your car; walk out to get the mail after you’ve parked. Take a lap around the grocery store before picking up the items on your shopping list. Decrease your sitting time and increase your moving time. Start getting those steps in today!

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By Craig Alger