Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

Posted Jun 21, 2023

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most recommended by health practitioners, and for good reason. A large amount of research has linked the traditional Mediterranean diet to a number of health benefits:  

  • Longer lifespan
  • Improved brain cognition
  • Improved BMI
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower LDL cholesterol
  • Lower risk of certain cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer’s disease   
The Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, bread, potatoes, herbs, spices, fish, seafood and olive oil. It even includes aged cheeses and fermented dairy like yogurt, plus eggs and poultry in moderation. Red meat is rarely consumed with the Mediterranean diet. Refined sugar, refined oils, refined grains, processed meats, sugary beverages and highly processed foods should be avoided. While the Mediterranean diet is based on whole, nutrient dense foods, it may be too high in starch for people who struggle with metabolic disorders like diabetes. Choosing lower glycemic foods within the Mediterranean guidelines will protect your heart, your brain and your health longevity – all while you enjoy the amazing flavors, variety and joy of Mediterranean eating. Check out the sample menu and recipe to get started today.