Let the pools relieve your joint pain!

Posted Aug 1, 2021

The Willis-Knighton Fitness & Wellness Centers offer an indoor pool at most locations (Bossier offers a therapeutic pool). They are saltwater pools and stay between 84-86 degrees so the temperature will not stand in your way of exercising. Do you wake up with stiffness in the morning or do not move as much as you would like because of your pain? The pools at Willis-Knighton can ease your pain and get you feeling great again. Over time, immobilization or lack of use can cause your muscles to weaken and the joints stiffen. Regular exercise in a pool can increase your mobility, endurance, and strength and can provide therapeutic benefit for those suffering from the pain of arthritis.

No experience doing pool exercises? No problem! Beginners can simply walk laps taking as much time as needed to complete. Once you get comfortable with that phase you can increase your exercises with the addition of walking backwards, side-to-side, and increasing your walking speed. Now that you have become an expert, we have various aquatic dumbbells, noodles, and kickboards for you to increase your workload!

At Willis-Fitness & Wellness Centers we take pride in making sure all our members have the tools they need to achieve their goals. Come into any of our centers, visit with one of our Certified Fitness Specialists, and learn about exercises you can do in the water to start achieving your goals today.